
About This Site

I originally created this program as one of many countdown timers that lead to various events like, ChristmasHalloween, or next year.  Unlike all those others, this one is actually important!  Because, make no mistake about it, election day is tremendously important!  The original versions of this page got rather long and I decided it was time to clean the slate and start over.  But you can still read them if you'd like, because I've archived them.  I don't like to delete things

Update: 2024-11-15
Before I was shooting my mouth off about elections and politics, I was writing a long blog to chronical the time of COVID.  I have now compiled and released that entire thing as a Kindle eBook!


Behold my new book, Echoes of Isolation:  A Personal Journey Through the Pandemic.

The Print version is now available for $22.50


Update: 2024-11-07
I said yesterday that I wasn't going to write any more about this for a while.  But then it occurred to me that I'm not quite finished yet.  I WANT this documented.  I WANT these words to be said.  So I'm going to write.  When I feel I've said enough, or screamed enough into the void as it were, then I will stop.  But that day is not today.


I've heard something lately that really does resonate with me.  People could sorta be forgiven back in 2016 for giving Trump a shot.  But we saw how that went.  We KNOW now who he is.  We KNOW what he is going to do - if not him, all the fascists and far-right scumbags that are bending his ear...  We KNOW he is a rapist, fraud, and convicted felon.  We know he is a liar, a con man, and a shitty person.  We know he can't string together a coherent thought.  We know that he is a chaotic embarrassment on the world stage.  We SAW how his last Presidency went.  We saw how he grifted and enriched himself and his friends, and helped no one else.  We SAW his criminal behavior!  We saw how badly he mismanaged and allowed a pandemic to spiral out of control.  Something we are STILL saddled with.

There is literally NO excuse now. No one can say they don't know who Donald Trump is.  No one can say that they are unaware of all of this.  No one.

This means, basically, that if you voted for Trump, you are okay with all of that shit, or you actually admire him for it.  One of the two.  There is no gray area.  You cannot claim that you don't know about him.  You can't claim that you don't believe it, or that it's all just left-wing spin, or some other nonsense.  The evidence of his behavior is ALL AROUND!!
And what I find SO bothersome and disheartening, is that MILLIONS of people including friends and family VOTED for him.  I look at these people that I know in real life, and I just can't reconcile what I know about that person, and then seeing that they support the single worst and most dangerous person in the entire country.

And MAN it pisses me off how people are bending over backwards to blame Kamala and the Democrats for not sending the right message.  That is some bullshit right there.  They sent the right message.  More people agreed with THE WRONG message.  There is no way to blame the Democrats.  The messages were "hope, unity, and let's fix things up!" against "I'm going to punish everyone that disagrees with me, deport a large portion of the country, destroy the economy, dismantle parts of the government that I think are bad for business, and strip away woman's reproductive rights."

The Democrats are not to blame for this.  Trump is.  People who AGREE with Trump are to blame.  The shitty thing about this is that they are about to find out just how wrong they were.  And sitting there saying "I told you so", ain't gonna mean shit.

But you know who else I blame?  Biden and the DOJ. Trump should have been in jail for Jan 6th.  Immediately.  If not that, then the documents that he stole.  They HAD EVERY OPPORTUNITY to put an end to all of this, and decided, for whatever reason, not to.  They allowed him to remain free.  And now we are 2 months away from the government being completely taken over by the Far-Right.  And more than half this country helped.  Because they voted for it.  All because Biden and the DOJ let Trump skate free. 

This could have been prevented.  It should have been prevented.  Our current government is more to blame than anyone else for what is about to happen next.  Because they failed to act.  They have failed us.  As a result, we are less than 2 months away from our entire society and way of life being irreparably damaged.

Real people are going to be hurt by this...  And this includes you people that put your faith in this fucking madman.


Update: 2024-11-06
I have cleared this Blog for a new day.  A new era, really.

I spent so much time, so much energy, getting word about about what is best for this country, and explaining in detail the dangers that lie ahead.  I wrote, I posted, I spoke, I created THIS site.  All in an effort to prevent precisely where we are right now.

I feel SO defeated.  And if you are on my side, you should too.  Because we are.  No matter how many times it is explained to me, I will never understand how this happened.  It's especially confusing, because it has happened before.  We are supposed to be beyond this.  We are supposed to be moving on.  Instead, we just set the country back.  Again.  And this time, there may be no way to recover from it.

Harris ran a perfect campaign.  The country was behind her.  The energy was unmatched, even by Obama, and that was really something when that happened.  Trump meanwhile was hemorrhaging support, pissing everyone off, and literally threatening to destroy the country. His economic plans will tank the economy.  He is going to round up political opponents.  He is going to appoint people like RFK to the Healh Department.  We saw Trump lose the popular vote in 2016, and somehow won anyway.  We saw him lose the popular vote AND the election in 2020.  In the time since, he has been convicted of rape and felony fraud,  He tried to overthrow the government in 2021.

All of the most intelligent, most respected people in the public eye, supported Harris, and showed their positions on the dangers of Trump.  At the same time, Trump is out there encouraging political violence, talking complete nonsense, continuing to break the law, and all the rest.

And what about all the women who are about to have their reproductive rights taken away?  What about the immigrants who are about to be deported, even if they are legal citizens?  What about every minority and marginalized group in the country?  Are we really to believe that Trump supporters outnumber THEM?!  And the House and Senate?  How did all those far-right whackos win THEIR elections too?!  Were their actions not enough for their respective districts to vote THEM out?!  And what about Latino voters, in places like Florida?  THEY voted for Trump?!  Seriously?!

None of this makes any sense to me at all.  It completely flies in the face of any kind of sanity.

We are in real trouble now.  Not like all the other times I said this.  Where we are right now is the end-game of a far-right movement not seen in the world since WWII Germany.

The only hope that I have to cling to right now is that it suddenly comes to light that the Republicans somehow cheated.  But even if that were true, by the time it comes out, it will be far too late.

I think I will be taking a break from all of this now.  All of the effort and energy I put into this has amounted to complete and utter defeat.  I really don't see any reason to keep it up.

So this page will remain like this for some time.  If something changes, then I'll revive this blog.  But for now, I just don't see the point.

This country is fucked.  Ukraine and Gaza?  Fucked.  Education, civil rights, the environment, the economy, basic human decency?  Fucked.  I'm ashamed to call myself an American right now.  If Nazi Germany is America now, that does NOT represent me at all.

You people that did this...  You deserve what you get.  The rest of us don't.  And that really sucks.


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