
About This Site

I originally created this program as one of many countdown timers that lead to various events like, ChristmasHalloween, or next year.  Unlike all those others, this one is actually important!  Because, make no mistake about it, election day is tremendously important!  The original versions of this page got rather long and I decided it was time to clean the slate and start over.  But you can still read them if you'd like, because I've archived them.  I don't like to delete things

Update:  2024-02-06

We are here...  It's election year.  Again.  And this is the most important election ever.  Again.  Actual democracy is on the table.  Again.  

Let's face it, that is absolutely true this time.  Drumpf has actually made it a point to say, out loud, that he intends to be a dictator.  Not like a dictator, an actual dictator.  If you are still planning on voting for the 91 felony, fraud, rapist, traitor, you have abandoned all reason and there is no hope for you.  You are also almost certainly not reading this.  Because from the onset, you can easily tell that this site is very much AGAINST ever letting Drumpf anywhere near elected office again.  And his supporters don't like reading such things.

I will even take it ones step further to say that if you still support the Republican party, considering their continued support for Drumpf, you should probably seek help.

What brings me to write today is that I want to talk about the border.  The US border.  The one that is in the south and shared by Mexico.  The Republicans have been screaming for ages that the southern border is in crisis, and that we are being invaded by people that want to steal our jobs, rape our women, vote in our elections, sneak in fentynyl, and just generally be not white European people.  Which, let's face it, that's their real crime in the eyes of the Conservative.

So in response to the outcry from the Right, and also in the interest of kindness and humanity, the smarter people in our government got together and worked out a plan.  A real plan.  One that will make a difference.  One that helps everyone.  One that will save lives.  One that both Democrats AND Republicans worked on together.  They are ready to send it to the House of Representatives to pass it through so it can be made into law.

Oh, but wait a minute!  If they do that, if they actually DO something about the border crisis, then the Republicans can't use that as a campaign issue anymore!  More importantly, f'n Drumpf can't use it anymore.  So he has told the Republicans to KILL the bill!!!  He isn't even being discreet about it.  He came right out and said, "I intend to use the border in my campaign.  So reject any deals that might fix that problem."

It is worth noting here that there actually IS no crisis at the border.  It's manufactured by the Conservatives.  Are there a lot of people?  Yes.  Do they need help?  Yes.  Are they piled up by the millions trying to rush the border all day and night?  No.  That is all the part that is a lie.  The very lie that Drumpf intends to run on.

Anyway...  Here we have a situation where the government is poised to actually do something meaningful for a change.  But because it would be perceived as a win for Biden, they are going to kill it.  The people that negotiated the bill are dropping their support for it.  Because Drumpf told them to.

Drumpf is NOT in office.  He is technically, if not literally, not allowed to even run for office because of the events on Jan 6th.  He's got 4 criminal trials open, right now.  And that doesn't even include the civil trials that he has already lost to the tune of almost $90M in one, and more recently $355M.  In a sane universe, he would already have been taken off the ballot.  The Republican party has paid more for his lawyers than they have paid for their own candidates.

So WHY the HELL is he calling the shots?!  Why the HELL are the Republicans listening to him at all?!  Seriously, you f'n short-sighted lunatics, what the HELL is wrong with you?!

Bah...  This can't end quickly enough.  Someone needs to take the lunatic fringe of the Republican party into a darkened room and explain to them that enough is enough.  Make them an offer they can't refuse.  Choose a metaphor, I don't care.  Something needs to be done. 

Because this shit is affecting the lives of REAL people.  Millions of them.  Live, actual human beings.  This is not some game to be played.  And f'n Drumpf is the LAST person that should be calling the shots no matter what else is happening.


Update:  2023-11-12

Today I feel that it's time to address the media, and their insistence that we are all worried about Biden's age.  TL;DR version, "No we're not.  Please shut up about it."

Longer version...  Yes.  He is too old.  But so what?  Despite his age, he is in good shape, eats right, still good in the head...

Yes, his age matters.  But not enough to discount him for the job he's done.  Not enough to discount him for the things he can still do.  And if his health suddenly becomes a problem, we have a fully capable Vice President that shares his agenda.  She will be able to continue.  And if she does well enough she will likely be able to win a Presidency of her own afterward.

Now match this up against the other guy that is only 3 years younger.  There is SO much to list that is the direct opposite of what I just said about Biden, that I am just not going to.  But suffice to say, setting all that aside, his plans that he has detailed so far include, locking up political enemies, using the military against citizens, pardoning Jan6th offenders, locking up doctors for performing abortions, expelling people based on their religion or race, and closing the borders completely.  Those are the things on which he is running.

Did I mention that he's about to lose his entire business empire as a penalty for decades of fraud?  Did I forget to mention the 91 indictments in 4 courts, that cover everything from more fraud to what amounts to f'ing espionage and sedition?!

Has there ever been a moment in time when the choice was more clear and just stupefyingly obvious?!

You people that continue to support this cult leader piece of garbage have GOT to get your heads out of your asses.  You might think that you will be on the winning side, if he actually gets what he wants.  But you won't be.  You will be just as screwed as the rest of us.  And he will gladly roll the bus right over you, your children, anyone that looks like they might be an issue.  That is what you're voting for.

And dear members of the media:  You are NOT helping.  You are still coddling that pile of crap too.  In fact you are the ones to blame for making it look like this is all perfectly normal.

Guess what is the next thing to go, once the authoritarians take over.  That's right.  The press.  You morons are signing your own friggin death warrant.

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